Bunuda Foundation Charity Organizations

Free Diagnosis, Treatment, and Food for Lepers

Free Diagnosis For Lepers

At Bunuda Foundation, we are committed to early intervention and providing a lifeline to those affected by leprosy. Our dedicated team conducts over 200 free leprosy diagnoses every month. We believe that early detection is pivotal to effective treatment and preventing further suffering. Using advanced diagnostic techniques and the expertise of our medical professionals, we ensure prompt and accurate diagnosis for individuals affected by leprosy. Through our free diagnosis services, we aim to bring these individuals out of the shadows, offering them the support and care they urgently need.

Free Treatment For Lepers

Bunuda Foundation is proud to offer comprehensive care to individuals afflicted by leprosy. We provide over 500 free leprosy treatments each month, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to eradicating this ancient disease. Our approach includes modern medical therapies, medications, and personalized care plans designed to improve the overall well-being of our patients. Our compassionate team works tirelessly to restore the health and dignity of those affected by leprosy, empowering them to lead fulfilling lives once more.

Free Food For Lepers

In addition to medical support, Bunuda Foundation recognizes the importance of nourishment for both the body and the soul. We distribute an astounding 20,000 nutritious meals every month to individuals affected by leprosy. We understand that good health begins with a well-balanced diet. Our nutritious food assistance not only satisfies hunger but also promotes healing and recovery. Through this initiative, we aim to restore the dignity and self-worth of individuals affected by leprosy, ensuring that no one goes hungry or neglected in their time of need.

Join Us in Making a Difference

Bunuda Foundation's commitment to providing Free Diagnosis, Treatment, and Food for Lepers is made possible through the generosity and support of individuals and organizations like yours. Together, we can transform lives, restore hope, and contribute to the eradication of leprosy.

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